The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Matthew 25:1-4

When we speak about the church our reference is not to an organization or a building – it is to people – People are the church – you and me…Jesus calls people into His kingdom to be sons and daughters to His Father and a bride to Himself…

Jesus likens the church to the Parable of the ten Virgins…

 …in it, He differentiates between the church that operates solely on being zealous with formality, and the church that operates with the oil of intimacy…

– the oil, is the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit leading people to intimacy with the heart of Jesus.

unless the church is functioning with the oil of intimacy in pursuit of the heart of God – it is nothing more than a religious social club filled with formality and emptiness.

…the lamps represent the power of God in our life to bring the gospel of light into the place of spiritual darkness…Jesus is the Word in our life that gives witness to the light (gospel)

…we are the bride of Jesus with the authority and the commission to bring forth that light…

…He’s the Bridegroom God who is returning for a Bride that is longing for Him…

At this very moment the Spirit of God is longing and passionately mourning for the return of Jesus the Bridegroom.

(Rom 8:26) “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered”

😎..The Holy Spirit is awakening the heart of the Bride to cry out for Jesus to come

…He is awakening love in the heart of the bride to mourn the return of her bridegroom… it’s a song that breaks out in heaven and will continue until Jesus returns for His Bride…